First Time Guest Information
Upon your first arrival at a drive-thru distribution or senior pantry, a volunteer will welcome you with a clipboard and pen and request you to complete a brief registration form.
Email & phone number.
Members in household and ages.
If you prefer, you may print and complete the registration form ahead of time and bring it with you to your first visit. However, if you do not have access to a printer or forget to bring it, a paper copy will be provided for you to fill out from your vehicle.
We will verify your identity and address. Then, we will assign you a card that you will need to show every time you recieve food. Bring this card each time.
You further agree:
Mission Nutrition DeForest inc. is to be used as an emergency resource only and to supplement additional assistance or help you may receive.
Food is provided on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis. You relinquish Mission Nutrition DeForest Inc./ Second Harvest Foodbank and all partners of all liability of any nature whatsoever and accept the food “AS IS” and at your own risk.
There is no guarantee to the amount or type of food or produce given.
You will not sell food or non-food products or exchange/barter food or non-food products for services.
You will not dispose of waste and unwanted food on public property. You will be responsible and dispose of it privately.
Inappropriate behavior such as profanity, littering, verbal abuse of volunteers, or any other disruptive behavior is prohibited. Any such behavior may result in the suspension or termination of your privileges at Mission Nutrition DeForest Inc.
To update household information as needed, or as required by Mission Nutrition DeForest Inc.
Mission Nutrition DeForest is prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, or income derived from a public assistance program.